Bring More From PC/MAC FaceBook DeskTop Version To APP
UnLock Links 3-6 In The Generals Alliance!, & Bring In The Festival FEATS!, Bring In Castle Age: Heart O Dark As A SubApp, So That Player Of BOTH Can Access Shared Content (I.E.: Fire/Ice Dragons Other1/2, Etc.)...... Also create a craft a bow item from before elemental herbs & call it something like "natures fury", call another natures Aegis, and call yet another nature mastery....that requires the earth, fire, air, & water orbs! Make more than one CraftAble object, 1 that requires 1 of each, 1 That requires 5 of each & 1 That requires 10 of each!...... ;-) :-) :-D
GodZillaPMC about
Castle Age HD, v1.321